Last week I was in Manila in the Philippines running a two day pricing workshop. Over lunch, one of the delegates asked me what the most bizarre pricing scheme (or schema) was that I'd seen over the years was. Two pricing 'models' quickly came to mind:
- The first I saw near the ruins of the Church of St Paul in Macau, where a silver plague advises male visitors to the public toilets there that use of the toilets are free, but toilet paper is 1MOP (Macau Peteca)
- The second pricing scheme I'd noticed only the night before, outside a restaurant near the Glorietta Mall in Manila (Alaya Ave). The sign at the front of the restaurant read "Eat Now, Pay Later". Now surely, this is just stating the obvious: with the exception of QSRs (Quick-Serve Restaurants, such as McDonalds et al), aren't most restaurants "eat now and pay later"?
Feel free to drop me an e-mail or post a comment if you've come across any bizarre pricing schema
Depending on the restaurant, "Eat Now, Pay Later" could have several meanings. ;-)
Didn't I tell you there was no shortage of pricing humour.
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